The Wisdom of Dr. Shaklee

In addition to his accomplishments as an innovator in the field of nutritional supplements, inventor of environmentally safe household products and a pioneer proponent of a new business model, Dr. Forrest C. Shaklee Sr. was also a philosopher. His published works are precursors to Tony Robbins’ writings about positive thinking, today. Here are some notable quotations from his writing, which-although written decades ago-are even more relevant today.

“You must share your life with others, for the more you share with others, the more valuable your share will become. The more you share with others, the more you keep for yourself. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
-Reflections on a Philosophy
(The Benjamin Company, Inc. 1973)

“Our first goal should be living in harmony with Nature, for the laws of Nature are fixed laws. They will never change, so we must adjust our lives in accordance with their demands.”
-Reflections on a Philosophy

“Never think of an unpleasant thing you do not want to happen, for your thoughts direct the expression of your life. Build a thought-pattern that will guide you in the expression of happiness.”
-Thoughtsmanship: Ten Rules for Happiness and Contentment (Shaklee Corporation, 1983)

“What you think, you look; what you think, you do; what you think, you are.”
-Thoughtsmanship: Ten Rules for Happiness and Contentment

“Progress is the direct result of the service man renders to others…the greater the service rendered, the greater the progress.”
-Reflections on a Philosophy

“Success is no money-although it may include it. Success is not business activity-although it may encompass it.”
-Thoughtsmanship: Ten Rules for Happiness and Contentment

“Don’t think for one moment that your daydreams are beyond your power of accomplishment. Shaklee Corporation was once but a daydream. The unusual values found in Shaklee products were once but daydreams. Beneath those dreams was built a thought-foundation, and today they are a reality.”
-Thoughtsmanship: Ten Rules for Happiness and Contentment