Alan says "Thanks to my weight loss and my healthier lifestyle, my blood pressure and my cholesterol have both dropped. I am 61 pounds lighter and a healthier person."

When Alan went in for a physical, the news was not good. His blood pressure and his cholesterol were both up, and he faced possible long-term health consequences if he did not make some lifestyle changes.

"When my father died, I promised to take care of my mother and my own family," Alan relates. "If I did not improve my own health, I was not sure I could keep that promise."

Alan started the Cinch® Inch Loss Plan to lose weight to help keep a promise he made to his father and he ended up creating a new life for himself in the process.

"Cinch is amazing. I was not hungry when I was on the plan, and I now have lots of energy. I used to enjoy sports, but my weight made it hard for me to do some of the things I liked, such as running. Now I am able to have an active lifestyle again. One of the best parts of my day is my regular run," Alan says.

Alan's work life changed, too. "There were a lot of work tasks I hesitated to take on when I was heavier. They were simply too hard. I am now considered a leader at work because I am much more active—I can lead my work crew by example. It affected not just the tasks I do, but my attitude towards all of my work. I have more self-confidence, and it shows."

Alan is also more confident that he can fulfill the promise he made to his father.

"Thanks to my weight loss and my healthier lifestyle, my blood pressure and my cholesterol have both dropped. I am 61 pounds lighter and a healthier person."

Congratulations, Alan!