Las Luces del Retorno
Mr. Juan Soto Escudero (Peruvian doctor & novelist) is the author of “Las Luces del Retorno”. Las Luces del Retorno is the story of millions of illegal immigrants in the United States always touch the sensibility of people. Mr. Juan Soto Escudero who is a resident of New Jersey, decided to illustrate a series of personal experiences inhis book. To purchase the book, please click here or call 973-223-6822
Business Website
Now we have available a new tool: Business Website full with information on business, sales rant videos, message from Shaklee CEO, training tips and more. This is the perfect complement to our conference call training. Please visit us in the Business Section of this blog.
Toast Masters in Spanish
1st and 3rd Saturday of the month are the meetings in Mi Bandera Restaurant, located at 518-32nd Street, Union City, NJ. (Breakfast $6.00) For more information, please contact VP Membership: Julian Hernandez or Francisco Isla. Follow us on Facebook & Twitter.