From The Publisher's Desk

Welcome to another edition of The Gazette Newsletter, in this issue I want to discuss different topics of nutrition, we will learn about Natural Magnesium and What’s different with Shaklee’s VitalMag.

Ms. Pastor shared an important article with us this month on A Steady Business on Tough Times, we can all learn from it. This article is a true story on a Shaklee distributor.

Shaklee’s newest additions to our vast line of products: Get Clean® Mini Kits; affordable for any budget for each specific need. Cleaning your house doesn’t mean dirtying the planet. Why using chemical products when you have the natural alternative with Get Clean® from Shaklee?
We also love to hear from you. Join us in Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and please know that I am always available by email at We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.

Pass the word around, if you have friends or relatives and you want them to receive this free newsletter or if they need our products. Feel free to pass on these newsletters to others if you like, but please do not spam them. It is better to have them contact us directly, as others have done, to subscribe if they wish to do so.

Warmest wishes,