Are You Stressed?
By Francisco Isla, Franfort Distributors Group
Delegating Responsibilities —you don't have to be "super-mom", learn to ask for help and assign tasks to other family members.
Relaxing and Meditating - Research has shown that taking time out of each day to relax and meditate can help reduce stress.
Stress Relief Complex
Relieves Everyday Stress in as Little as 30 minutes
Helps Blunt Cortisol, the Stress Hormone that Can Affect Long-Term Health
Stress can increase your body’s production of Cortisol, a hormone associated with Stress. Long-term health impact, have been linked to continuously high Cortisol levels. Beta sitosterol, a key ingredient in Stress Relief Complex, has been shown to blunt the Cortisol response.
Naturally Relieves Everyday Stress
Stress Relief Complex offers nutritional support to help you get through your day in a calm, alert and healthy way. The powerful ingredients in Shaklee Relief Complex work to provide quick relief from tension, without making you drowsy.
Proven formula for Stress, Alertness, and Concentration
This formula was tested and proven effective in a preliminary, double-blind, product-use trial. The formula works to:
By Francisco Isla, Franfort Distributors Group
Meetings, deadlines, dealing with demanding clients, fighting traffic on the daily commute, all raise stress levels in your life and stress hormones in your body.
Fifty percent of us experience stress every day. Mothers — especially working mothers — experience the greatest amount. Daily stress and anxiety wreak havoc with our sense of well-being and the impact of prolonged stress can have severe consequences on our health. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control estimates 75-90% of all visits to the doctor's office are stress related. One key to good health is to keep levels of stress in check.
Get started by:
Identifying Your Stressors — whether it's marital problems, money issues, traffic or the piles of laundry, the first step to managing stress is knowing what's causing the most stress in your life. Once identified, you can begin to figure out how to overcome stress or manage it better.Setting Priorities — Take stock to determine what's really important and learn to say "no", this can be one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself.
Fifty percent of us experience stress every day. Mothers — especially working mothers — experience the greatest amount. Daily stress and anxiety wreak havoc with our sense of well-being and the impact of prolonged stress can have severe consequences on our health. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control estimates 75-90% of all visits to the doctor's office are stress related. One key to good health is to keep levels of stress in check.
Get started by:
Identifying Your Stressors — whether it's marital problems, money issues, traffic or the piles of laundry, the first step to managing stress is knowing what's causing the most stress in your life. Once identified, you can begin to figure out how to overcome stress or manage it better.Setting Priorities — Take stock to determine what's really important and learn to say "no", this can be one of the biggest favors you can do for yourself.
Delegating Responsibilities —you don't have to be "super-mom", learn to ask for help and assign tasks to other family members.
Relaxing and Meditating - Research has shown that taking time out of each day to relax and meditate can help reduce stress.
Stress Relief Complex
Relieves Everyday Stress in as Little as 30 minutes
Helps Blunt Cortisol, the Stress Hormone that Can Affect Long-Term Health
Stress can increase your body’s production of Cortisol, a hormone associated with Stress. Long-term health impact, have been linked to continuously high Cortisol levels. Beta sitosterol, a key ingredient in Stress Relief Complex, has been shown to blunt the Cortisol response.
Naturally Relieves Everyday Stress
Stress Relief Complex offers nutritional support to help you get through your day in a calm, alert and healthy way. The powerful ingredients in Shaklee Relief Complex work to provide quick relief from tension, without making you drowsy.
Proven formula for Stress, Alertness, and Concentration
This formula was tested and proven effective in a preliminary, double-blind, product-use trial. The formula works to:
- Promote a certain, relaxed state without causing drowsiness—within 30 minutes.
Get Enough Sleep
Emerging scientific evidence indicates that insufficient sleep can be harmful to our health. In a 2007 poll by the National Sleep Foundation, about two-thirds of women reported experiencing a sleep problem at least a few nights a week within the past month (46% reported this occurrence every night or almost every night).
Sleep Well and Re-energize. Maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule; establish a relaxing bedtime routine; and try not to eat a meal, drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages or exercise within a few hours of bedtime.
To contend with occasional sleeplessness and to help you get a good night's rest, Shaklee Gentle Sleep Complex uses natural botanicals to promote a calm and restful sleep.
For daily support, take Shaklee Vitalizer™ , which delivers supercharged vitality and a broad-spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics to build the foundation for a longer, healthier life.
Take a "Timeout" with Friends
A landmark UCLA study suggests that hanging out with friends can actually counteract the kind of stress most women experience on a daily basis. When women engage in this 'tending or befriending' with children and other women, studies suggest that the hormone oxytocin is released, which further counters stress and produces a calming effect.
We always knew that friends made us feel good and now there is actual evidence that they are good for our health!
So the next time you need a lift-me-up or simply want to relax, call up your closest group of girlfriends for a fun gathering. And why not turn these gatherings into something that empower you to make a difference in the world?